We have a template built into the game that lets you store all your questions. Part Demo part Tutorial, Brian walks you through how it all works. They were causing some problems so we removed them. Please note that the 'webcam' and 'green screen' options are no longer available. This is an older version but still helpful to see how it looks. Speed round requires you to type in the answers as the contestants answer. The control screen has two main views, 'Team Round' and 'Speed Round.' Team Round allows you to save a list of questions with scores. Our goal is to make it look and feel like a live TV show, but still easy enough to learn in just a few minutes. We have been working on this game for many years to refine the user interface and game play. Sometimes you gotta fight for the right thing, so… 'Let's play the Feud!' Student need to learn to do the “right” thing, not the “popular” thing. Just because 100 people say it's right doesn’t make it right. This game can be used for youth groups to teach students that we live in a “gameshow culture.” The values we see everyday don’t really reflect the best way to live. 100 people are polled and the top 5 answers are on the board.
'The Feud' is a parody of the popular game show. It's more than just a game.